14 Jan 2025 - 15 Jan 2025
Espace Champerret, Paris, France
6, Rue Jean Oestreicher

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 ExpoBeds is not affiliated with the organiser of COSMETAGORA.


COSMETAGORA, the International Exhibition dedicated to Cosmetic Formulation & Packaging Technologies, is a premier French event held annually in Paris. The upcoming exhibition is scheduled from 14th to 15th January 2025 at its custom location in Espace Champerret. This B2B exhibition is a central meeting point for beauty industry professionals, attracting over 10,000 visitors and 400 exhibitors annually.

Several vital characteristics elevate COSMETAGORA above other beauty trade fairs :

  1. The event prioritises fostering connections and business opportunities. Exhibitors represent all segments of the cosmetics sector, from raw material suppliers and contract manufacturers to packaging specialists and testing laboratories. This comprehensive range allows visitors to streamline their sourcing activities and identify potential partners across the cosmetics value chain.
  2. COSMETAGORA is renowned for its focus on innovation. The exhibition features a dedicated Innovation Space where visitors discover cutting-edge advancements showcased by leading industry players and young startups. The event program incorporates conferences and workshops led by renowned beauty experts, offering a unique professional growth and learning opportunity.
  3. COSMETAGORA 2025 will attract a diverse audience of beauty professionals, making it an ideal platform for networking and collaboration. Exhibitors include a comprehensive range of companies, from established multinational corporations like L’Oreal and Chanel to innovative startups specialising in sustainable ingredients or personalised beauty solutions.

Make the most of your COSMETAGORA 2025 visit. ExpoBeds is your one-stop shop for finding the perfect hotel in Paris. Whether you prioritise convenience, budget, or proximity to the venue, we have the solution.  Request your free, personalised COSMETAGORA 2025 hotel offer, and let us handle the details.

ExpoBeds is not affiliated with the organiser of this event

Expo Travel Group is an independent tour operator. We provide accommodation to businesses during over 500 international events. Our non-affiliation with the organiser is a guarantee for independence and lack of contract restrictions. This means that we are able to provide our customers the full range of accommodation options in the destinations we cover and be flexible about the terms and conditions we can apply to each booking.

Any names or logos of properties, events or venues may be registered trademarks of their respective holders. Our use of these trademarks does not imply any affiliation with, or endorsement by their owners.

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